... Put out放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场 Deliberative 协商的 short list 人数已缩减的候选人名单 ...
... intent热切的 deliberative慎重的 bemused困惑的 ...
... 外国人|foreigner 探索发现|discovery 80后议政|deliberative ...
协商民意测验 ; 商议式民调 ; 协商性民意调查
民意调查 ; 审慎思辩民调 ; 商议式民意调查
协商会议 ; 审议会议 ; 审议会
Deliberative rhetoric (sometimes, called political rhetoric, deliberative discourse, or legislative oratory) is a rhetorical genre used to convince an audience to complete or not complete an action. Deliberative rhetoric differs from deliberation in that deliberation occurs as a process (often within deliberative rhetoric) when people weigh alternative options prior to a decision such as voting. Also subject to confusion is the term deliberative democracy, a form of governmental discourse and set of institutions that prioritize public debate in the contexts of plurality, citizen access, and majority rule. Such a form often gets explained in theories of the public sphere as spaces where people can freely and openly discuss potential action.