...奴目前在西甲深陷降级区,他们上周在客场0-4惨败给马拉加之后,已经10轮联赛不胜,19轮联赛仅仅取得了15分的积分,同降级(Demote)区之外的纽文西亚(West Asia)有5分的差距,球队的重心仍然(Still)是联赛保级。
... overhaul:翻修 demote:降职 John看着她,她穿着职业套装,花白的头发向后梳成一个整洁的马尾,笨拙地煮水,加咖啡粉。 ...
... demented 疯狂的,精神错乱的 demote 使降级,使降职 demure 端庄的,娴静的 ...
... managerial管理的 demote使降职 resign辞职 ...
A demotion is a compulsory reduction in an employee's rank or job title within the organizational hierarchy of a company, public service department, or other body. A demotion may also lead to the loss of other privileges associated with a more senior rank and/or a reduction in salary or benefits. An employee may be demoted for violating the rules of the organization by a behavior such as excessive lateness, misconduct, or negligence. In some cases, an employee may be demoted as an alternative to being laid off, if the employee has poor job performance or if the company is facing a financial crisis. A move to a position at the same rank or level elsewhere in the organization is called a lateral move or deployment. A voluntary move to a lower level is also a deployment as it is not a compulsory reduction in level. Demotion is often misinterpreted simply as the opposite of a promotion, however it is only one means of undergoing a reduction in work level.