... 政策policy 灵活性discretion 多种经营diversification ...
... sole单独的;唯一的 discretion谨慎 Prerequisite首要事物;必要条件;前提 ...
我国的学者是这样认为的: 自由裁量权(Discretion):法官在审判过程中,在法律规定的范围内对一些问题可 以自行酌情作出裁决的权力。
随意 ; 任意 ; 自行决定 ; 酌情决定
全权处理 ; 自行决定权 ; 完全酌情决定权 ; 独有酌情决定权
谨慎地 ; 慎重地 ; 审慎地 ; 全权委托定单
Discretion is a noun in the English language with several meanings revolving around the judgment of the person exercising the characteristic. Some view discretion negatively, while some view it positively. However it is viewed, there is no argument discretion is constantly being used from all levels of law enforcement. From the time an officer chooses to pursue a person, and throughout the courts process and conviction of said person.