Distinguish 棋子正品:圆形,其中兵是两面刻画另一边是相即诸葛亮司马懿,为便于区分(Distinguish)和防舞弊,兵另一面的相在着色上和正面不同,棋子兵的正面颜色(Color)是大红和深蓝背面是粉红和天蓝,这一点请棋友牢记。
...,海南大学,琼台,海南师范大学 关键词] 相通 区别 交融 兼得 世界化 可行性 [gap=796]Key words: Interflow Distinguish Blending And concurrently has ...
分别 ; 辨别 ; 分辨
模型辨识 ; 模子辨识 ; 磨削原理
明辨是非 ; 辨明是非 ; 是非分明 ; 区分是非
In law, to distinguish a case means a court decides the holding or legal reasoning of a precedent case will not apply due to materially different facts between the two cases. There are two formal constraints on the later court: the factors in the ratio of the earlier case must be retained in formulating the ratio of the later case, and the ruling in the later case must still support the result reached in the precedent case.The ruling made by the judge must be based around not only the evidence they are faced with, but the precedents in which they must follow. This means that a precedent will be dealt to a case with similar facts, in which a decision can then be distinguished based upon this.