... courtesy 礼貌;礼仪;好意;殷勤 distinguished 卓越的;杰出的;著名的 embrace 拥抱;围绕;包括 ...
... courtesy礼貌;礼仪;好意;殷勤 distinguished卓越的;杰出的;闻名的 embrace拥抱;围绕;包括 ...
飞行优异十字勋章 ; 杰出飞行十字勋章 ; 卓越飞行十字勋章 ; 优异飞行十字勋章
杰出行为勋章 ; 勋章 ; 英军〕殊功勋章 ; 特等军功章
杰出服务勋章 ; 殊功勋章 ; 服务勋章 ; 优异服役勋章
In law, to distinguish a case means a court decides the holding or legal reasoning of a precedent case will not apply due to materially different facts between the two cases. There are two formal constraints on the later court: the factors in the ratio of the earlier case must be retained in formulating the ratio of the later case, and the ruling in the later case must still support the result reached in the precedent case.The ruling made by the judge must be based around not only the evidence they are faced with, but the precedents in which they must follow. This means that a precedent will be dealt to a case with similar facts, in which a decision can then be distinguished based upon this.