[数 气象] 散度
...z )T,即标量的梯度为向 量,它用来衡量一个向量场变化最快的方向。注意,向量无梯度,梯度为零说明该场是等势场。 散度(divergence):divF=荦·F=鄣f1 鄣x +鄣f2 鄣y +鄣f3 鄣z ,即向量的散 度为标量,它用来衡量一个向量场的单位体积内的源场强。
数学毕业论文-新探级数收敛的判别方法-贝尔论文发表 关键词:级数;收敛;发散;判别法 [gap=1001]keywords:series;convergence;divergence;criterion
[科技] 分歧
...关键词:真实; 假想; 传统节日文化; 分歧 [gap=886]Key words: fact; hypothesis; traditional festival culture; divergence ...
高斯散度定理 ; 数 散度定理 ; 数 发散定理
遗传分歧 ; 遗传趋异
数 发散角 ; 偏离角 ; 发射角 ; 开展角度
In vector calculus, divergence is a vector operator that measures the magnitude of a vector field's source or sink at a given point, in terms of a signed scalar. More technically, the divergence represents the volume density of the outward flux of a vector field from an infinitesimal volume around a given point.For example, consider air as it is heated or cooled. The relevant vector field for this example is the velocity of the moving air at a point. If air is heated in a region it will expand in all directions such that the velocity field points outward from that region. Therefore the divergence of the velocity field in that region would have a positive value, as the region is a source. If the air cools and contracts, the divergence has a negative value, as the region is a sink.