Intrepid 今战遭遇主场强悍(Intrepid)的升班马,估计(Estimate)是一场苦战。只会读书的女人是一本字典,再好人们也只会在需要的时候去翻看一下,只会扮靓的女人只是一.
喷漆废气废漆渣的估算及处理措施-奥杰汽车网 关键词】 喷漆; 废气; 废漆渣; 估算; [gap=539]Key words】 paint spraying; waste gas; paint slag; estimate;
评估(Estimate):安全防护实施后以一定的评估手段对安全状况进行评估,如不能满足安全要求 则修正策略,再进行搜索和进行防护设置调整,不断循环...
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Estimation (or estimating) is the process of finding an estimate, or approximation, which is a value that is usable for some purpose even if input data may be incomplete, uncertain, or unstable. The value is nonetheless usable because it is derived from the best information available. Typically, estimation involves "using the value of a statistic derived from a sample to estimate the value of a corresponding population parameter". The sample provides information that can be projected, through various formal or informal processes, to determine a range most likely to describe the missing information. An estimate that turns out to be incorrect will be an overestimate if the estimate exceeded the actual result, and an underestimate if the estimate fell short of the actual result.