职业道德( Ethics): 严格遵循《道德准则和专业责任》和《金融理财执业标准》。
第四节 道德规范和社会责任 ):区别对与错的信念 一、道德规范(Ethics):区别对与错的信念。 道德规范( ):区别对与错的信念。
...)左右,比九大知识领域的平均分要高。这从一个侧面反映了国外对项目管理师职业道德的重视程度。 18.1基本概念 1、道德(Ethics):是我们口头上常说的一个词,但是具体指什么,估计会表达不出来。
劳经 职业道德 ; 敬业精神 ; 师德
贸易 商业道德 ; 企业道德 ; 职业道德
计算机道德 ; 计算机品德 ; 计算机德行 ; 计算机德性
Ethics, sometimes known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. The term comes from the Greek word ἠθικός ethikos from ἦθος ethos, which means "custom, habit". The superfield within philosophy known as axiology includes both ethics and aesthetics and is unified by each sub-branch's concern with value. Philosophical ethics investigates what is the best way for humans to live, and what kinds of actions are right or wrong in particular circumstances. Ethics may be divided into three major areas of study:Related fields are moral psychology, descriptive ethics, and value theory. Ethics seeks to resolve questions dealing with human morality—concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime.