... facetious adj.滑稽幽默的=jocose=jocular;(社交时)轻浮而好开玩笑的 facilitate v.(不以人作主语的)使容易;帮助 facili=facile 字根表示方便,容易 ...
支援行为 称赞(Praise)、倾听(Listen)、促进 (Facilitate) 倾听部属遭遇的问题。 部属有好的表现,加以称赞。
... fabulous a.极好的;极为巨大的;寓言中的,传说中的 facilitate v.使变得(更)容易;使便利;推动;帮助;处进 facility n.灵巧,熟练;(pl.)设备,设施,便利条件 ...
与其他新能源相比,风能的优势突出,清洁无污染、可循环再生、成本低廉、获取 便利 ( Facilitate )是风能的优势。在全球煤炭石油等石化燃料日益枯竭的布景下,有恒心,有毅力,方能成功。
Facilitation is any activity that makes tasks for others easy, or tasks that are assisted. For example:A person who takes on such a role is called a facilitator. Kaner defines facilitator as follows: "A facilitator is an individual who enables groups and organizations to work more effectively; to collaborate and achieve synergy. She or he is a “content-neutral” party who by not taking sides or expressing or advocating a point of view during the meeting, can advocate for fair, open, and inclusive procedures to accomplish the group’s work. A facilitator can also be learning or a dialogue guide to assist a group in thinking deeply about its assumptions, beliefs, and values and about its systemic processes and context"(Kaner: 2007: xv)Specifically: