/ ˈfiːkənd /
/ ˈfiːkənd /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • adj.肥沃的;多产的;丰饶的;生殖力旺盛的
  • GRE/SAT/
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    ... fet表示offspring后代、胎儿,-al是形容词后缀。 fecund多产的、肥沃的 fec表示to produce,offspring,词义即是多产的、后代多的、富饶的。 ...

  • 2


    ... 生殖力 生殖力 Fruchtbarkeit 生殖力旺盛的 fecund 无生殖力的 sterile ...

  • 3


    ... fatten v. 使土地肥沃;使长肥;装满 fecund adj. 肥沃的;多产的 fecundity n. 多产,富饶;繁殖力,生殖力 ...

  • 4


    ... feckless 无效的;无力气的;粗心不负责任的 fecund 多产的;丰饶的;肥沃的 feeble 衰弱的;无效的 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world.
  • 2
    It has now become clear how extraordinarily fecund a decade was the 1890s.
  • 3
    The most fecund men were those with partners six years younger.
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • adj.


    rich  /  productive

  • 百科
  • Fecund

    In demography and biology, fecundity is the actual reproductive rate of an organism or population, measured by the number of gametes (eggs), seed set, or asexual propagules. Fecundity is similar to fertility. Demography considers only human fecundity which is often intentionally limited through contraception, while biology studies all organisms. Fecundity is under both genetic and environmental control, and is the major measure of fitness. Fecundation is another term for fertilization. Superfecundity refers to an organism's ability to store another organism's sperm (after copulation) and fertilize its own eggs from that store after a period of time, essentially making it appear as though fertilization occurred without sperm (i.e. parthenogenesis).[citation needed]Fecundity is important and well studied in the field of population ecology. Fecundity can increase or decrease in a population according to current conditions and certain regulating factors. For instance, in times of hardship for a population, such as a lack of food, juvenile and eventually adult fecundity has been shown to decrease (i.e. due to a lack of resources the juvenile individuals are unable to reproduce, eventually the adults will run out of resources and reproduction will cease).Fecundity has also been shown to increase in ungulates with relation to warmer weather.In sexual evolutionary biology, especially in sexual selection, fecundity is contrasted to reproductivity.In obstetrics and gynecology, fecundability is the probability of being pregnant in a single menstrual cycle, and fecundity is the probability of achieving a live birth within a single cycle.
