...品 练习 第三课做庄技巧羸墩与失墩 (Winning and Losing Trick)王牌合约与无王合约的分别增加羸墩与减少失墩的方法偷牌 (Finesse) & 兑现赢墩的次序王牌的重要作用 练习 第四课防守技巧首引 (Opening lead)防守跟牌技巧叫牌, 做庄和主打三方面的较量 练习 ..
... finch n.鸣禽 finesse n.精密技巧 灵巧;手腕 flabby adj.(肌肉等) 不坚固的 松弛的 ...
... Elegant:指均衡、优雅香气及口感 Finesse:细腻的口感,有特性 Young:年轻的,指年轻即饮型的酒 ...
In contract bridge and similar games, a finesse is a card play technique which will enable a player to win an additional trick or tricks should there be a favorable position of one or more cards in the hands of the opponents.The player attempts to win either the current trick or a later trick with a card of the suit he leads notwithstanding that the opponents hold a higher card in the suit; the attempt is based on the assumption that the higher card is held by a particular opponent. The specifics of the technique vary depending upon the suit combination being played and the number of tricks the player is attempting to win in that suit.