[建] 地板
它是将发热体按要求埋于地板(floor)下,把电能直接全部转 换成热能,加热地板进行供暖,其50%以上的热量(Heat)是通过辐射方式传导,习惯上又称之为“低温热辐射供暖...
... 重操旧业 to resume one's old trade (idiom) 自由体操 floor (gymnastics) 左舵 left rudder ...
... 建筑物通道passage 变形缝deformation joint 自然层floor ...
杀戮空间 ; 杀戮间 ; 地狱蓝调 ; 屠宰间
落地灯 ; 坠地灯 ; 座地灯 ; 地灯
平面图 ; 楼面平面图 ; 平面配置图 ; 建筑的平面图
A floor is the walking surface of a room or vehicle. Floors vary from simple dirt in a cave to many-layered surfaces using modern technology. Floors may be stone, wood, bamboo, metal, or any other material that can support the expected load.The levels of a building are often referred to as floors although a more proper term is story or storey.Floors typically consist of a subfloor for support and a floor covering used to give a good walking surface. In modern buildings the subfloor often has electrical wiring, plumbing, and other services built in. As floors must meet many needs, some essential to safety, floors are built to strict building codes in the first world.