Go 通过以下的 Logo 来展示它的速度,并以囊地鼠(Gopher)作为它的吉祥物。
扩展阅读——失落的地鼠(Gopher): 和Web同时尝试解决跨站信息引用问题的另一个项目是Gopher,它尝试以索引的形式聚合各种信息,然而很快由于各种原因,Gopher被...
小地鼠中文名称:谷佛 英文名:Gopher
来自法语方言gaufre, 蜂窝,词源同weave, waffle. 因其打洞如同蜂窝而得名。
The Gopher protocol /ˈɡoʊfər/ is a TCP/IP application layer protocol designed for distributing, searching, and retrieving documents over the Internet. The Gopher protocol was strongly oriented towards a menu-document design and presented an alternative to the World Wide Web in its early stages, but ultimately HTTP became the dominant protocol. The Gopher ecosystem is often regarded as the effective predecessor of the World Wide Web.The protocol was invented by a team led by Mark P. McCahill at the University of Minnesota. It offers some features not natively supported by the Web and imposes a much stronger hierarchy on information stored on it. Its text menu interface is well-suited to computing environments that rely heavily on remote text-oriented computer terminals, which were still common at the time of its creation in 1991, and the simplicity of its protocol facilitated a wide variety of client implementations. More recent Gopher revisions and graphical clients added support for multimedia. Gopher was preferred by many network administrators for using fewer network resources than Web services.Gopher's hierarchical structure provided a platform for the first large-scale electronic library connections. Gopher has been described by some enthusiasts as "faster and more efficient and so much more organised" than today's Web services. The Gopher protocol is still in use by enthusiasts, and a small population of actively maintained servers remain although it has been almost entirely supplanted by the Web.