C 罗不合群(Gregarious),是假摔王,赢球之后,一定要冷静复盘,考虑得失。最爱演出,失败并不可怕,可怕的是在也不想为成功而拼搏已经太习惯一个人在场上...
[昆] 聚生的
... greenhousewhitefly温室白蝇 gregarious聚生的 greyforestsoil灰色森林土 ...
Social animals are those animals which interact highly with other animals, usually of their own species (conspecifics), to the point of having a recognizable and distinct society. Many animals are social to the extent that mothers and offspring bond, and males and females interact to mate, but the term "social animal" is usually only applied when there is a level of social organization that goes beyond this, with permanent groups of adults living together, and relationships between individuals that endure from one encounter to another. The most commonly known example of a social animal is a domestic dog. In the case of social animals, not having those social interactions can be detrimental to the animal's development; they are crucial. These interactions and socializing help to develop emotional stability and flexibility for the span of the animal's life.The antonym to a social animal is a solitary animal.Sociality refers to the extent of organization of their social behavior. The levels of sociality include eusocial, presocial (solitary but social), subsocial, and parasocial (including communal, quasisocial, and semisocial).Animal social behavior and organization is studied in comparative psychology, ethology, sociobiology, behavioral ecology and computer science (artificial intelligence).