但大体上说新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分组成,因此要写好这类文章,就要抓好以下几方面: 标题(headline):浓缩概括全文的中心问题。
Chan(2003) 以头条新闻 (headline news) 作为股票在形成期是否有明确讯息发布 ..
ESPN头条(Headline):勒布朗在纽约(New York)的第一个三双;雅虎智育头条(Headline):赢勒布朗者通吃;海外头条(Headline):帝王詹创亘古未有伟业,脑袋空不要紧、关键是不要进水。
头条日报 ; 新闻发布
头号大标题 ; 通栏标题 ; 通栏大字标题 ; 头号大题目
标题新闻 ; 头条新闻 ; 新闻头条 ; 简明新闻部
The headline is the text indicating the nature of the article below it.The large type front page headline did not come into use until the late 19th century when increased competition between newspapers led to the use of attention-getting headlines.It is sometimes termed a news hed, a deliberate misspelling that dates from production flow during hot type days, to notify the composing room that a written note from an editor concerned a headline and should not be set in type.Headlines in English often use a unique set of grammatical rules known as Headlinese.