[生理] 听觉
sight 视觉(Sight)与听觉(Hearing):有些动物的生存是仰赖听觉;如斑马等需仰赖灵敏的听觉来逃避危险。有些飞蛾可以听见蝙蝠高频率的声音。
在一个电台访谈节目采访时被释放后,詹金斯说,他将受到的引渡聆讯(Hearing)星期一(今天) ,以断定是否他的案件应移交给路易斯安那州。
[生理] 听力
830 名0-6 岁儿童在安静房间最小听觉反应值分析 - 中国听力语言康复科学杂志 关键词】儿童;听力;听觉反应 [gap=1015]Key Words】Children; Hearing; Acoustic response
耳鼻喉 助听器 ; 耳环 ; 以听协助听 ; 传统式助听器
初步听证 ; 预审 ; 调查庭 ; 初级聆讯
马克曼听证会 ; 马克曼听证 ; 第七节 ; 行马克曼听证程序
Hearing, auditory perception, or audition is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations, changes in the pressure of the surrounding medium through time, through an organ such as the ear. Sound may be heard through solid, liquid, or gaseous matter. It is one of the traditional five senses; partial or total inability to hear is called hearing loss.In humans and other vertebrates, hearing is performed primarily by the auditory system: mechanical waves, known as vibrations are detected by the ear and transduced into nerve impulses that are perceived by the brain (primarily in the temporal lobe). Like touch, audition requires sensitivity to the movement of molecules in the world outside the organism. Both hearing and touch are types of mechanosensation.