每一间小厂商专门生产某一种类的物品,它们向家庭顾用生产要素(如劳工),并给予家庭工资以作回报。 家庭(Household)是消费的部门,家庭是一个统称,内里可以包含数千数万户小家庭。
... Homegeneous Activity同构型活动 Household家户;住户 Household Cross Classification Method住户交叉分析法 ...
... fitness n. 健康,身体状况良好 household n. 一家人 confident adj. 自信(confidence)的 ...
家庭年收入 ; 经 家庭收入 ; 住户收入
家庭家具 ; 家子家庭用具 ; 家俱 ; 家子家具
宫内厅 ; 宫内庁
A household consists of one or more people who live in the same dwelling and also share at meals or living accommodation, and may consist of a single family or some other grouping of people. A single dwelling will be considered to contain multiple households if either meals or living space are not shared. The household is the basic unit of analysis in many social, microeconomic and government models, and is important to the fields of economics, inheritance. Household models include the family, varieties of blended families, share housing, group homes, boarding houses, houses in multiple occupation (UK), and a single room occupancy (US). In feudal times, the royal Household and medieval households of the wealthy would also have included servants and other retainers.