... hurdle n.障碍,跳栏,临时活动篱笆 optimistic a.乐观的,乐观主义的,乐天的 achieve vt.完成;达到,取得,实现 ...
栏架(Hurdle)的准绳低度如下(单元:米): 男人110米栏1.067
... hurdlescrubber栅格式气体洗涤器 hurdle篱笆;栏 Huronian休偏统 ...
A hurdle (UK English, limited US English) is a moveable section of light fence. In the United States, terms such as "panel", "pipe panel" or simply "fence section" are used to describe moveable sections of fencing intended for agricultural use and crowd control; "hurdle" refers primarily to fences used as jumping obstacles for steeplechasing with horses or human track and field competition.Traditional hurdles were made from wattle, but modern designs for fencing are often made of metal. They are used for handling livestock, as decorative fencing, for steeplechasing and in the track and field event of hurdling.