... bold [bəuld]adj. 大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的 ignoramus [,iɡnə'reiməs]n. 不学无术的人;无知的人 render vt. 致使;提出;实施;着色;以…回报 vi. 给予补偿 n. 打底;交纳;粉刷 ...
... ignominy 耻辱 ignoramus 不学无术的 ignorance 无知 ...
Ignoramus is a college farce, a 1615 academic play by George Ruggle. Written in Latin (with passages in English and French), it was arguably the most famous and influential academic play of English Renaissance drama. Ruggle based his play on La Trappolaria (1596), an Italian comedy by Giambattista della Porta (which in turn borrows from the Pseudolus of Plautus).In Latin ignōrāmus the first-person plural present active indicative of īgnōrō (“I do not know”, “I am unacquainted with”, “I am ignorant of”) literally means “we are ignorant of” or “we do not know”. The term acquired its English meaning of an ignorant person or dunce as a consequence of Ruggle's play.