... legitimate adj.合法的,正当的 illegitimate adj.不合法的,不正当的;非婚生的 literate adj.有读写能力的,通晓的 ...
...婚姻是在不正常下完成的,固此有些不合法性质——SECRET(秘密的),ILLEGAL、UNLAWFUL( 不合法的 ), ILLEGITIMATE (非法的),POLYGAMOUS(重婚式,多妻式婚姻)。
... prestigious 有威信的,有声望的,受尊敬的 illegitimate 私生的,非法的,不合法的 sedentary 久坐的;安土重迁、就居一处的 ...
... illegible adj.难读的,无法辨认的,不清晰的 illegitimate adj.违法的,不合法的;私生的;不合理的,不合逻辑的 illicit adj.非法的,被禁止的 ...
In Western common law, legitimacy is the status of a child born to parents who are legally married to each other; and of a child conceived before the parents receive a legal divorce. Conversely, illegitimacy (or bastardy) is the status of a child born outside marriage. The consequences of illegitimacy have pertained mainly to a child's rights of inheritance to the putative father's estate and the child's right to bear the father's surname or title. Illegitimacy has also had consequences for the mother's and child's right to support from the putative father. (See Affiliation (family law).) Today, births outside marriage represent a majority in a growing number of European and most Latin American countries, but remain rare in Asia.