...是以行业的制造性质來分类;纸及纸品加工业是以纸及纸板的生产及单纯以纸及纸板的加工品为主,而印刷及加工业则是以影像(Image)透过不同版型(包括數位无版)转印到不同材质的方式,因为都会牵涉到印刷加工,所以各国对此兩产业的定义(如下表2 所示)是交叉...
...是以行业的制造性质來分类;纸及纸品加工业是以纸及纸板的生产及单纯以纸及纸板的加工品为主,而印刷及加工业则是以影像(Image)透过不同版型(包括數位无版)转印到不同材质的方式,因为都会牵涉到印刷加工,所以各国对此兩产业的定义(如下表2 所示)是交叉...
自 图像传感器 ; 成像器件 ; 电子 影像传感器 ; 成像元件
计,遥感 图像处理 ; 计算机图象处理 ; 图像处理技术
数,光 镜像 ; 翻版 ; 镜像功能 ; 裂隙灯像
IMAGE (from Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration), or Explorer 78, was a NASA MIDEX mission that studied the global response of the Earth's magnetosphere to changes in the solar wind. It was launched March 25, 2000 by a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg AFB and ceased operations in December 2005.The IMAGE craft was placed in a 1,000×46,000 km orbit around the Earth, with an inclination of 90° (passing over the poles) and a 14.2 hour period. IMAGE was the first spacecraft dedicated to observing the magnetosphere of the Earth, and it produced comprehensive global images of plasma in the inner magnetosphere. It did this using five instruments:The CIDP as well as the Command & Data Handling Subsystem (main on-board computer) of the craft were built around the mission-proven RAD6000 avionics processors.