...形式不同,但它们有 3个明显特征:传播信息 ( Communication),它们能引起注意并经常提供信息,把顾客引向产品刺激 ( Incentive),它们采取某些让步,诱导或赠送的办法给顾客以某些好处邀请( Invitation):明显地邀请顾客来进行目前的交易清华大学经济管理学院...
这种信息不对称的存在有可能从两方面影晌经济主体的投资行为和投 资激励(Incentive):一是当外部投资者合理地预期到自己在企业投资项目的预 期收益方面处于不利的地位,有可能承担因信息不对称带来的逆向选择风险时...
激励相容 ; 激励兼容 ; 激励相容性
可变激励措施 ; 可变鼓励办法
奖金 ; 诱因报酬 ; 诱因报偿 ; 联系计划和激励因素
An incentive is something that motivates an individual to perform an action. The study of incentive structures is central to the study of all economic activities (both in terms of individual decision-making and in terms of co-operation and competition within a larger institutional structure). Economic analysis, then, of the differences between societies (and between different organizations within a society) largely amounts to characterizing the differences in incentive structures faced by individuals involved in these collective efforts. Ultimately, incentives aim to provide value for money and contribute to organizational success.