(列王纪下三章26-27节) 摩押王将他的长子在城上献为燔祭「burnt offering,于是有极大的灵界来的愤怒(Indignation)来对抗以色列,以至于以色列没能灭尽摩押。
”说起孩子的遭遇,母亲虽有很多义愤(Indignation)却更是心生伤感。那天晚上,有认识的人打电话给小宇的表哥,说小宇晚上(At night)一直在输钱,拦都拦不住。
indignation义愤填膺,愤慨 愀 handicap/barrier/obstacle/hindrance/barricade/problem障碍,阻碍,问题 题 .
Indignation is an emotion, and is considered to be a type of anger. Indignation is often composed of anger, disgust, contempt, and resentment. Simply, indignation can be defined as anger that is caused by something that is unfair or wrong. In more detail, indignation is defined as, "a discrete social emotion specifying disapproval of a blameworthy action explicitly perceived as violating the objective order, and, implicitly perceived as injurious to the self-concept". Indignation is an attribution-related emotion causing this emotion to be very personal to those experiencing it. Indignation has been described as the opposite emotion to respect even though it has become synonymous with anger, whose opposite is gratitude, in the modern English usage.