...编程常见英文简写技术详解 IT编程常见英文简写技术详解_电脑基础知识_IT/计算机_专业资料。IT 编程常见英文...交互(interactive):在计算机中意思为,参与活动的对象,可以相互交流,双方面互动。.
也就是用户不贡献内容(更确切地说,是不作为),网站(或其他媒体形式)变成空壳。 广泛且深入的参与和互动(Interactive)是不同的。
互动媒体 ; 互动媒体设计 ; 交互式传媒
交互式广告 ; 互动式广告 ; 交互广告
哈里斯互动 ; 哈里斯民意调查 ; 哈里斯互动公司 ; 哈里斯互动调查公司
Across the many fields concerned with interactivity, including information science, computer science, human-computer interaction, communication, and industrial design, there is little agreement over the meaning of the term interactivity.Multiple views on interactivity exist. In the "contingency view" of interactivity, there are three levels:One body of research has made a strong distinction between interaction and interactivity. As the suffix 'ity' is used to form nouns that denote a quality or condition, this body of research has defined interactivity as the 'quality or condition of interaction'. These researchers suggest that the distinction between interaction and interactivity is important since interaction may be present in any given setting, but the quality of the interaction varies from low and high.