... understate v 很有节制地陈述或表达(某事物) introspective adj 内省的; 反省的; 自省的 formidable adj 引起恐惧或不安的; 可怕的;难以应付的;极好极强的; 了不起 ...
自省(Introspective), SEL选择器; 动态类型与静态类型; 掌握OC语言高级特性,理解面向对象编程思想,掌握封装,继承,多态三大特性。
cup mute 碗状型弱音器 introspective 反省的; 自省的 sartorial 裁缝匠的, 裁缝的, 缝工的;文中指Duke Ellington非常注重穿着打扮,是个典型"sartorial dresser",他的服装都...
... insulin胰岛素 introspective内省;内向的 introvert性格内向的 ...
Introspective is the third studio album by the English synthpop duo Pet Shop Boys. It was first released in 1988 and is the Pet Shop Boys' second-best-selling album, selling over 4.5 million copies worldwide. (Their fifth studio album, Very, sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.)It is so named because "all the songs, although it's a dance album, are introspective". Perhaps the biggest change in Pet Shop Boys' sound evident on this album is an increasing attention to orchestration using real orchestras, particularly on the Trevor Horn-produced "Left to My Own Devices", which took months to produce.