...现设定为SIP/2.0 SIP请求消息要发送到的当前目的地址 方法符号(方法)用来说明客户机请求服务器执行的操作的类型: 邀请(INVITE):邀请用户参加一个会话; 证实(ACK):已经接收到最终应答; 询问(OPTIONS):询问服务器的性能; 再见(BYE):终止一个会话; 取消...
... invitation n.邀请,招待;请柬 invite v.邀请,招待 involve v.卷入,陷入,连累;包含,含有,涉及 ...
...能加盟善用老年才俊的 阿森纳(Arsenal), 其父(Father)亲流露,他也不会是以而停止(Give up)其他(Other)大户俱乐部的约请(Invite)。你头脑里东西的多寡(Amount),就相干着你另日的出路。
邀请某人做某事 ; 邀请某人去做某事 ; 邀请某人干某事 ; 约请某人做某事
邀请好友 ; 约请冤家 ; 邀请朋友加入
An invitation system is a method of encouraging people to join an organization, such as a club or a website. In regular society, it refers to any system whereby new members are chosen; they cannot simply apply. In relation to websites and other technology-related organisations, the term refers to a more specific situation whereby invitations are sent, but there is never any approval needed from other members. Popular alternatives to this specific version are open registration and closed registration. Open registration is where any user can freely join. Closed registration involves an existing member recommending a new member and approval is sought amongst the existing members. The basis of the invitation system is that a member can grant approval to a new user without having to consult any other members.Existing members may receive a set number of invitations (sometimes in the form of tokens) to allow others to join the service. Those invited to a website are typically sent either a specialized URL or a single-use pass code.