irascible(急躁), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
... invulnerable a.无法伤害的 irascible a.易发怒的 iridescent a.因位置变动而变光的,闪彩光的 ...
比如同样用1个小时的时间,去记忆以下6个词: irascible(易怒的)、mordant(辛辣的)、martinet(刻板的纪律执行者)、 expatiate(详述)、munificence(慷慨大方)、vilify(诽谤); 方法...
... IR信息检索 irascible性情暴躁的 ireful愤怒的 ...
Irritation or exacerbation, in biology and physiology, is a state of inflammation or painful reaction to allergy or cell-lining damage. A stimulus or agent which induces the state of irritation is an irritant. Irritants are typically thought of as chemical agents (for example phenol and capsaicin) but mechanical, thermal (heat), and radiative stimuli (for example ultraviolet light or ionising radiations) can also be irritants. Irritation also has non-clinical usages referring to bothersome physical or psychological pain or discomfort.Irritation may also be induced by some allergic response due to exposure of some allergens for example contact dermatitis, irritation of mucousal membranes and pruritis.Mucosal membrane is most common site of irritation because it contains secretory glands that release mucous which attracts the allergens due to its sticky nature.Chronic irritation is a medical term signifying that afflictive health conditions have been present for a while. There are many disorders that can cause chronic irritation, the majority involves the skin, vagina, eyes and lungs.