  • 简明
  • 质量管理体系标准
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    The quality control system measure put foward by ISO9000 is based on system theory.
  • 2
    ISO14000 series standard, in many aspects from the successful experience of ISO9000 standard.
    ISO 14000系列标准,在许多方面借鉴了ISO 9000族标准的成功经验。
  • 3
    From the angles of the theory and practice, analyze the necessity and possibility of introducing ISO9000 clan standard into tax authority.
    从理论与实践的角度出发,分析了税务机关引入ISO 9000族标准的必要性和可能性。
  • 百科
  • ISO9000

    The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems standards is designed to help organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product. ISO 9000 deals with the fundamentals of quality management systems, including the eight management principles upon which the family of standards is based. ISO 9001 deals with the requirements that organizations wishing to meet the standard must fulfill.Third-party certification bodies provide independent confirmation that organizations meet the requirements of ISO 9001. Over one million organizations worldwide are independently certified, making ISO 9001 one of the most widely used management tools in the world today. However, the ISO certification process has been criticized as being wasteful and not being useful for all organizations.
