/ dʒɑː(r) /
/ dʒɑːr /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.玻璃罐,广口瓶;一瓶,一罐(的量或物);震动
  • v.撞击,震动;刺激,对……产生不好的影响;不和谐,不相配;发出刺耳声
  • 【名】 (Jar) (罗)扎尔(人名)
  • 高中/CET4/CET6/考研/TOEFL/GRE/
    • 复数

    • 第三人称单数

    • 现在分词

    • 过去式

    • 过去分词

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    里面的走廊式的展厅是根据中国的历史从古到今排列的,最早的是新石器时代(neolithic period)的陶土类的罐子jar),是公元前3300-2050年的,后面是西周时代的青铜器,有一种祭祀用的盛粮食的器皿(Ritual Grain Vessel with Cover),好像我们...

  • 2


    ... jam果酱;阻塞 jar罐子;坛子 jaw颌,下巴 ...

  • 3


    通通过J2EE_CLASSPATH 的环境变量定位驱动文件(.jar文件)的位置。你可以在启动j2ee前在命令行设置这个变量。

  • 4


    是英文jar广口瓶)的音译,是有外文音译而来; 二.是粤港习惯称呼,从酿造工艺来讲,其本质就是酿制成熟的,未经热处理的,在市上以特定方式出...

  • 1
    Sun Jar

    收集阳光的罐子 ; 阳光罐 ; 阳光罐子 ; 搜集阳光的罐子

  • 2
    leyden jar

    莱顿瓶 ; 来登瓶 ; 验电瓶

  • 3
    glass jar

    玻璃瓶装 ; 玻璃缸 ; 玻璃罐

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    She opened up a jar of plums.
  • 2
    I can't get the lid off this jar.
  • 3
    This jar will hold a kilo.
  • 词典短语
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 百科
  • Jar

    A jar is a rigid, approximately cylindrical container with a wide mouth or opening. Jars are typically made of glass, ceramic, or plastic. They are used for foods, cosmetics, medications, and chemicals that are relatively thick or viscous: pourable liquids are more often packaged in a bottle. They are also used for items too large to be removed from a narrow neck bottle.The glass jar is often an essential for any kitchen cupboard. They can be used to preserve or store items as diverse as jam, pickled gherkin, other pickles, marmalade, sundried tomatoes, olives, jalapeño peppers, chutneys, pickled eggs, honey, and many others. They are also frequently re-used in order to put home-made preserves in. Jars are sterilised by putting them in boiling water or an oven for a number of minutes. If they are not required for further storage of items, they can be recycled.A closure applied to the mouth of a jar can be a screw cap, lug cap, cork stopper, or other suitable means.Glass jars are considered microwavable with care taken to prevent splashing of boiling contentsJars are often recycled according to the SPI recycling code for the material. Some regions have a legally mandated deposit which is refunded after returning the container to the retailer. Some recyclers have concerns about possible residue in the jar from the viscous contents.
