JDK 与JRE 的联系与区别 JDK(Ja Development Kit) 是 面向开发人员 使用的 SDK ,它提供了 Ja 的开发环境和运行环境. SDK 是Software Development Kit 一般指软件开发包.
J2SDK: 它包含JDK(开发工具包)和JRE(运..
安装JDK 设定环境变量为:1.?
年将是载入史册的一年,Sun Mirosystms 公司将于这一年在开源许可协议下发布 Jv 开发包(JDK),从而放弃了对 Jv
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is an implementation of either one of the Java SE, Java EE or Java ME platforms released by Oracle Corporation in the form of a binary product aimed at Java developers on Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X or Windows. The JDK includes a private JVM and a few other resources to finish the recipe to a Java Application. Since the introduction of the Java platform, it has been by far the most widely used Software Development Kit (SDK).[citation needed] On 17 November 2006, Sun announced that it would be released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), thus making it free software. This happened in large part on 8 May 2007, when Sun contributed the source code to the OpenJDK.