job evaluation
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • 工作评估:对机构中每个工作或职位进行系统的定性评估,以确定其在工作层次结构中的相对位置和工资水平。
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    职位评价(job evaluation)是在工作分析的基础上,按照一定的客观衡量标准,对岗位的工作任务、繁简难易程度、责任大小、所需资格条件等方面进行系统评比与...

  • 2


    ...聿蒂蚁肂羄蒁蛳 袄莃蒁薃 岗位价值评估讲义 (1)什么是岗位价值评估 岗位价值评估又称职位价值评估或工作评估(Job Evaluation),是指在工作 分析的基础上,采取一定的方法,对岗位在组织中的影响范围、职责大小、工作 强度、工作难度、任职条件、岗位工作条...

  • 3


    岗位评价(Job Evaluation)是企业内部建破薪酬公平机制的主要手腕。它是以岗位为核心,根据必定的尺度和程序来判定不同岗位对组织的价值大小并据此树立岗位...

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Job evaluation can be defined as' a method of determining the relative worth of a job to an organisation '.
  • 2
    But each organisation is different and the use of job evaluation techniques will depend on individual circumstances.
  • 3
    Job evaluation is systematic process in which the value of each position can be defined in comparison with the others.
  • 同近义词
  • 百科
  • Job evaluation

    A job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of a job in relation to other jobs in an organization. It tries to make a systematic comparison between jobs to assess their relative worth for the purpose of establishing a rational pay structure.Job evaluation needs to be differentiated from job analysis. Job analysis is a systematic way of gathering information about a job. Every job evaluation method requires at least some basic job analysis in order to provide factual information about the jobs concerned. Thus, job evaluation begins with job analysis and ends at that point where the worth of a job is ascertained for achieving pay equity between jobs.==
