来到丛林(Jungle),去找兽王(直接从入口传送到Forested Ruins,向上走),在这里和Selkie交谈得知仙人掌来过了,他所描述的病状很像一种魔法师经...
... 奶酪塔(Cheese Tower) 星际争霸(UniWar HD) 斗兽棋(jungle) ...
[林] 密林
晚钟早已响过,泛动于深山(Mountains)的密林(Jungle)里坊镳久久(Long time)的不愿散失。智慧当向恭敬中求,当向谦卑中求。
什么是Jungle? 什么是Electro? .
丛林奇谭 ; 奇幻森林 ; 丛林之书
屠场 ; 丛林 ; 魂斗罗 ; 业林
口红森林 ; 口红丛林 ; 口红战争 ; 英文版
A jungle is land covered with dense vegetation dominated by trees. Application of the term has varied greatly during the last several centuries. Jungles in Western literature often represent a less civilised or unruly space outside the control of civilisation. Some attribute this to the jungle's association in colonial discourse with places that were colonised by Europeans[citation needed].