[科技] 保持
...值的事; 少做一些(Less):要少做的,对团队价值不高的事; 多做一些(More):要多做的,对团队有意义的事; 继续保持(Keep):团队做的好的,要保持的; 新尝试(Start):以前没做过的,但可能给团队带来高价值的新点子。
跟上(Keep)这些有效的用具,只需求起码的年光和精神,能够为您减省夸张了透支费和捣毁您的信用卡(Credit card)是先确保你的开支,你每月(Pe...
...外挂档必需搭配原虚拟硬碟使用,不可单独使用在虚拟主机 上,在关闭虚拟主机时对「UNDO Disk记录的变动资讯可选择: 保留(Keep):外挂档保留,下次开机仍继续使用其新的设定。
KEEP is a commercially supported FM radio station serving the general area of Fredericksburg, Texas, due west from Austin and due north of San Antonio. KEEP is owned by J & J Fritz Media and is broadcast from Johnson City, Texas. It was one of four member stations of the Texas Rebel Radio Network which supplies Texas music programming. This programming is available as streaming audio via the KEEP/Texas Rebel Radio website.On June 24, 2011 KEEP, after three months of silence, returned to the air simulcasting country-formatted KNAF-FM 105.7.