... lanen.小径,行车道,巷 languid a.没精打采的,倦怠的 lap n.(跑道的)一圈;腰以下及大腿的前面部分 ...
... harzard 危险,公害 languid 疲倦的,无力的,没精打采的 inscrutable 神秘的,难理解的 ...
... lament n悲伤,vt痛惜 languid adj精神不振的 leash n牵狗的皮带 v束缚 ...
... jagged不知道……查为锯齿状的,参差不齐的 languid懒洋洋的 morbid病态的 ...
Fatigue(also called exhaustion, tiredness, languidness, languor, lassitude, and listlessness) is a subjective feeling of tiredness which is distinct from weakness, and has a gradual onset. Unlike weakness, fatigue can be alleviated by periods of rest. Fatigue can have physical or mental causes. Physical fatigue is the transient inability of a muscle to maintain optimal physical performance, and is made more severe by intense physical exercise. Mental fatigue is a transient decrease in maximal cognitive performance resulting from prolonged periods of cognitive activity. It can manifest as somnolence, lethargy, or directed attention fatigue.Medically, fatigue is a non-specific symptom, which means that it has many possible causes. Fatigue is considered a symptom, rather than a sign because it is a subjective feeling reported by the patient, rather than an objective one that can be observed by others. Fatigue and ‘feelings of fatigue’ are often confused.