[法] 律师
...保存; 腌制食物; 防腐处理; 保鲜; 保持原状; 做蜜饯; 禁猎; 蜜饯; 防护用品; 禁猎地; 独占的事物 lawyers律师,法学家( lawyer的名词复数 ) rather than…而不…
算死草 (Lawyer Lawyer)(VCD) 陈梦吉(周星驰饰)是出名的扭计状师,其妻吕忍(莫文蔚饰)是名刚从西方学成归来,一直受西方教育的女子,虽然他们两...
文章称,正在英语中,男大夫、女大夫皆叫大夫(doctor),男状师、女状师也皆叫状师(lawyer),称号取性别无闭。 但正在德语中,埋头业头衔战名词能间接反应逐个小我私家的性别。
算死草 ; 整人状元
刑事律师 ; 刑事状师 ; 犯罪的律师
林肯律师 ; 下流正义 ; 依法犯法 ; 林肯状师
A lawyer is a person who practices law, as an attorney, counsel or solicitor. Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the sovereign government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political and social authority, and deliver justice. Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services.The role of the lawyer varies significantly across legal jurisdictions, and so it can be treated here in only the most general terms.