易读性(Legibility) 扫雷是指那些要确定网站链接的用户与网站的交互大多数情况下。在大多数情况下,扫雷是可用性问题中一个明确的警报信号。
...的三组成部分: ——个性(identity) ——结构(structure) ——意义(meaning) ②环境意象的形成要求: ——可识别性(Legibility): 前提、 保证, 要求城市环境结构清晰、 个性鲜明 ——意象性(Imaginability): 能为不同层次和个性的人所共同接受的公众意象...
... learning n. 学问, 学识 legibility n. 清楚 legare(L.), to sent, appoint 派遣, 指派 ...
... Layering 分层法 Legibility 容易识别 Life Cycle 产品周期 ...
Legibility is the degree to which individual characters in text are understandable or recognizable based on appearance. "The legibility of a typeface is related to the characteristics inherent in its design … which relate to the ability to distinguish one letter from the other." Legibility includes factors such as "x-height, character shapes, stroke contrast, the size of its counters, serifs or lack thereof, and weight."Legibility is different from readability, which refers to entire words, sentences, and paragraphs. Readability is influenced, among other factors, by font choice, point size, kerning, tracking, line length, leading, and justification.In practical application some attributes cross over and affect both.