... 腰围Waist 衣长Length 身高Height ...
... -lastIndexOf在字符串中寻找子串,返回子串终止位置或-1(-1表示未找到) -length返回字符串的长度 -newString新建字符串对象 ...
... -join将一个数组中的元素转化成字符串,并通过特定的分割符进行联结,并返回结果字符串 -length返回数组长度 -newArray新建数组对象 ...
In geometric measurements, length is the longest dimension of an object. In the International System of Quantities, length is any quantity with dimension distance. In other contexts "length" is the measured dimension of an object. For example it is possible to cut a length of a wire which is shorter than wire thickness.Length may be distinguished from height, which is vertical extent, and width or breadth, which are the distance from side to side, measuring across the object at right angles to the length. Length is a measure of one dimension, whereas area is a measure of two dimensions (length squared) and volume is a measure of three dimensions (length cubed). In most systems of measurement, the unit of length is a fundamental unit, from which other units are defined.