[电子] 电平
触发电平(LEVEL):用于调节被测信号在某一电平触发扫描,拉出该旋钮为选择触发状态,推入该旋钮为自动状态,一般情况,将该旋钮置 于自动状态,即...
[科技] 水平
[物] 级别
Squeeze 然而今晚挤进(Squeeze)奥德绍特镇俱乐部狭小的进口时,惧怕他们(They)才会想起与低级别(Level)联赛球队(Team)打杯赛(Cup)是什么样的。 2.
... learnability 可学习性 level 关卡 level design 关卡设计 ...
LEVEL is a computer and video games magazine originating in the Czech Republic with branches in Romania and Turkey. These three brother divisions occasionally exchange content. In addition to publishing the magazine, LeveL also organizes many yearly gaming competitions for players in two of the countries (Romania's pro-gaming sponsor being the PGL - Professional Gamer's League); it is one of the biggest Turkish sponsors of international gaming contests (such as WCG).LeveL was founded by Jan "Beast" Tomanek in 1995 in Czech Republic. Its first issue was released on 24.01.1995. The current LeveL editor-in-chief is Michal Křivský (replacing Petr Poláček).