我爱论文网 关键词: 织布机;控制系统;硬件设计;软件设计 [gap=1449]Key words: Loom; Control system; Hardware; Software
[纺] 织机
织机动态参数检测系统的组成-市场分析-资讯-中国分析仪器网 关键词 织机;动态参数;测试;虚拟仪器 [gap=475]Key words loom; dynamic parameter; test system; virtual instrument
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隐身的学问 ; 织布机 ; 织布机的传说 ; 织布机的故事
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彩虹织机 ; 如何用彩虹橡皮筋 ; 彩虹编织机 ; 彩虹织机中文站
A loom is a device used to weave cloth. The basic purpose of any loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads. The precise shape of the loom and its mechanics may vary, but the basic function is the same.