market positioning
  • 简明
  • 市场定位:公司所针对的特定客户群体,或产品的目标客户群体,或公司所从事的业务类型,与其他公司或产品相比的关系。
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 1


    市场定位(Market Positioning) 就是针 对竞争者现有产品在市场上所处的位置,根 据消费者或用户对该种产品某一属性或特征 的重视程度,为产品设计和塑造一定的...

  • 2


    ... 二、本案区位特点FEATURES IN GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION 三、本案市场定位MARKET POSITIONING: 形象定位Brand Images: ...

  • 3


    ...牌;李宁公司;营销策略; 转型; 市场定位 » Brands of Li Ning company marketing strategy; In transition; Market positioning 恒温磁力搅拌器操作简单,运行平稳,无极调速,数显控温,能在较广的速度范围内对液体进行精密稳定的搅拌,特别适合小体积的样品...

  • 4


    ...牌;李宁公司;营销策略; 转型; 市场定位 » Brands of Li Ning company marketing strategy; In transition; Market positioning 恒温磁力搅拌器操作简单,运行平稳,无极调速,数显控温,能在较广的速度范围内对液体进行精密稳定的搅拌,特别适合小体积的样品...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    In fact, this is a big market positioning errors.
  • 2
    How wis the market positioning for our new products?
    我们新产品的市场定位如何呢? ?
  • 3
    The aim of this study is to investigate the relative market positioning of intercity bus companies.
  • 同近义词
  • 百科
  • Market positioning

    Positioning is the marketing activity and process of identifying a market problem or opportunity, and developing a solution based on market research, segmentation and supporting data. Positioning may refer the position a business has chosen to carry out their marketing and business objectives. Positioning relates to strategy, in the specific or tactical development phases of carrying out an objective to achieve a business' or organization's goals, such as increasing sales volume, brand recognition, or reach in advertising.
