轴心(pivot point) 最大(maximum) :表示将源物体对齐轴正方向的边框与目标物体中选定成分对齐。
[数] 最大值
Maximum(最大值):当年业绩最大值。 Minimum(最小值):当年业绩最小值。
本赛季德甲巨人拜仁慕尼黑连续了上赛季的精彩施展,,德甲巨人拜仁慕尼黑迎来弗赖堡的挑衅, 满杆(Maximum):在敌手不犯规的环境下,和降级区只有1分的差距。
... manual用手工,手册 maximum最高的,最大的 mess about无计划的瞎忙,闲逛 ...
最大似然估计 ; 最大似然法 ; 最大概似法 ; 数 最大似然
物 最高速度 ; 最大速度 ; 车辆 最高车速 ; 机 最高转速
数 极大值原理 ; 自,数 最大值原理 ; 最大原理 ; 极大化原理
In mathematics, the maximum and minimum (plural: maxima and minima) of a function, known collectively as extrema (singular: extremum), are the largest and smallest value that the function takes at a point either within a given neighborhood (local or relative extremum) or on the function domain in its entirety (global or absolute extremum). Pierre de Fermat was one of the first mathematicians to propose a general technique (called adequality) for finding maxima and minima.More generally, the maximum and minimum of a set (as defined in set theory) are the greatest and least element in the set. Unbounded infinite sets such as the set of real numbers have no minimum and maximum.To locate extreme values is the basic objective of optimization.