... metaphysics 形而上学,玄学 mete 给予,分配;测量;边界 meteoric 流星的;昙花一现的 ...
... metaphysical a.形而上学的;抽象的 mete v.测量;分配 meteoric a.流星的;昙花一现的 ...
... metaphysics 形而上学,玄学 mete 给予,分配;测量;边界 meteoric 流星的;昙花一现的 ...
... LAMP电灯 METE表头 MICROPHONE麦你看三极管封装厂克风(话筒) ...
Mete is a common masculine Turkish given name. In Turkish, "Mete" means "brave", "galahad", "hero", "valiant", and/or "gallant".Mete is a deformed version of "Mo - du" which is the regnal name of Modu Chanyu who was the founder of Xiongnu Empire. Mete is considered one of the first known Turkish rulers in the history and the name is used in memory of him. Appropriate Turkish reading of "Mo - du" is "Baghatur". Baghatur is also used as a masculine given name by Turkish people as Bahadır, Batur, and as in other cognate forms.