


n. 马克杯;杯子(mug的复数) | v. 向…...


n. 百万 | adj. 许多;宏大的 | adv. 非常

  • 网络释义
  • 1


    是因为 名爵6 (MG6) 就是荣威550的升级版~

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    With only 133 horsepower coming from its 1.8-liter four-banger, the MG6's power won't set the world on fire either.
    凭借来自1.8 L四汽缸发动机的仅仅133匹马力,MG6的功率还不足以征服世界。
  • 2
    New owners Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC) recently unveiled the first new MG to be built in over 15 years: the five-door liftback MG6.
    它的新主人,上海汽车工业公司最近公开了将在超过15年内研发的第一辆MG: 5门提升式流线型后背车身MG 6。
  • 3
    In the relatively passing intermediate family sedan the gauge medium-range contour design says, MG6 will appear has in the future the feeling and the technical feeling.
    相对过往的中级家轿中规中距的外形设计而言,MG 6显得更具未来感和科技感。
  • 百科
  • MG6

    British NVC community MG6 (Lolium perenne - Cynosurus cristatus grassland) is one of the mesotrophic grassland communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system. It is one of four such communities associated with well-drained permanent pastures and meadows.This community is a virtually ubiquitous community of the British lowlands. There are three subcommunities, one of which is divided into a number of variants.
