[内科] 侏儒
... piddling 无用的 midget 侏儒 piffling 琐碎的 ...
... mid frequency 中频 midget 微型的,袖珍的 midwifery forceps 产钳 ...
Midget (from midge, a sand fly) is a term for a person of unusually short stature that is widely considered pejorative. While not a medical term, it has been applied to persons of unusually short stature, often with the medical condition dwarfism, particularly proportionate dwarfism.It may also refer to anything of much smaller than normal size, as a synonym for "miniature," such as a midget cell, a midget crabapple, MG's Midget, Daihatsu's Midget, and the Midget Mustang airplane; or to anything that regularly uses anything that is smaller than normal (other than a person), such as midget car racing and quarter midget racing; or a smaller version of play or participation, such as midget golf; or to anything designed for very young (i.e., small) participants - in many cases children - such as Disneyland's Midget Autopia, Midget AA hockey, and Midget football.