·公开或变相涨价toraisepricesopen*yorinconvertforms ·公司犯罪corporateabuse/crime/cheat/fraud/wrongdoing/misconduct ·共同关心的问题issueofcommonconcern ..
什么是欺诈和不当行为 欺诈(Fraud)和不当行为(Misconduct)是临床研究过程中缺乏诚信的两种行为,是临床研究中不能接受的行为。
五、科学研究中的不端行为(Misconduct) 1、学术秩序 知识生产需要一定的秩序保证,涉及到过程与结果。包括两个重要方面,一是荣誉分配, 一是数据的可靠性。
In law, misconduct is wrongful, improper, or unlawful conduct motivated by premeditated or intentional purpose or by obstinate indifference to the consequences of one's acts.Two categories of misconduct are sexual misconduct and official misconduct. In connection with school discipline, "misconduct" is generally understood to be student behavior that is unacceptable to school officials but does not violate criminal statutes, including absenteeism, tardiness, bullying, and inappropriate language. (Special Education Dictionary, 2003, LRP Publications) Misconduct in the workplace generally falls under two categories. Minor misconduct is seen as unacceptable but is not a criminal offense (e.g. being late, faking qualifications). Gross misconduct can lead to dismissal (e.g. stealing or sexual harassment).Misconduct refers to an action, rather than neglecting to take action, or inaction which could be referred to as poor performance.[citation needed]