关键词: 月度 ; 电煤供需 ; 展望 [gap=905]Key words: Monthly; the thermal Coal Supply and Demand; prediction
排程类别(Scheduling Type) ? 每月的(Monthly): 可以设定每月何日要录影的时段. 2.
金融 月结单 ; 月结 ; 每月结帐 ; 对账单
大西洋月刊 ; 大西洋半月刊 ; 年夜西洋月刊
会计 月报 ; 月报表 ; 月度报告 ; 月报告
A month is a unit of time, used with calendars, which is approximately as long as a natural period related to the motion of the Moon; month and Moon are cognates. The traditional concept arose with the cycle of moon phases; such months (lunations) are synodic months and last approximately 29.53 days. From excavated tally sticks, researchers have deduced that people counted days in relation to the Moon's phases as early as the Paleolithic age. Synodic months, based on the Moon's orbital period with respect to the Earth-Sun line, are still the basis of many calendars today, and are used to divide the year.