.. 中文名: 粤语入门速成班 英文名: MP3 资源格式: 压缩包 发行时间: 2007年... 本书超越其他同类教材的四大优点: 一、更易学。本书编排体例易学易懂。第一... 粤语|粤语电影|粤语学习|广东
介 中文名: 艾宝良--卅街档案馆 英文名: mp3 别名: 有声小说 资源格式: MP3 版本: 11 地区: 大陆 语言: 普通话 简介: 潜伏与反潜伏,从兄弟情深到
... IT:对电子处理和设备贮存和发送各类信息的研究和利用 MP3:动态影像专家压缩标准音频层面3 IBM:万国商用机器公司 ...
专辑中文名: 十全十美 专辑英文名: mp3 艺术家: 群星 资源格式: MP3 发行时间: 2000年 地区: 大陆 语言: 普通话 简介: 十全十美 MP3音乐格式 文
MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III, more commonly referred to as MP3, is an audio coding format for digital audio which uses a form of lossy data compression. It is a common audio format for consumer audio streaming or storage, as well as a de facto standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on most digital audio players.MP3 is an audio-specific format that was designed by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) as part of its MPEG-1 standard and later extended in the MPEG-2 standard. The first MPEG subgroup – Audio group was formed by several teams of engineers at Fraunhofer IIS, University of Hannover, AT&T-Bell Labs, Thomson-Brandt, CCETT, and others. MPEG-1 Audio (MPEG-1 Part 3), which included MPEG-1 Audio Layer I, II and III was approved as a committee draft of ISO/IEC standard in 1991, finalised in 1992 and published in 1993 (ISO/IEC 11172-3:1993). Backwards compatible MPEG-2 Audio (MPEG-2 Part 3) with additional bit rates and sample rates was published in 1995 (ISO/IEC 13818-3:1995).The use in MP3 of a lossy compression algorithm is designed to greatly reduce the amount of data required to represent the audio recording and still sound like a faithful reproduction of the original uncompressed audio for most listeners. An MP3 file that is created using the setting of 128 kbit/s will result in a file that is about 1/11 the size[note 1] of the CD file created from the original audio source. An MP3 file can also be constructed at higher or lower bit rates, with higher or lower resulting quality.The compression works by reducing accuracy of certain parts of sound that are considered to be beyond the auditory resolution ability of most people. This method is commonly referred to as perceptual coding. It uses psychoacoustic models to discard or reduce precision of components less audible to human hearing, and then records the remaining information in an efficient manner.