mutual fund
/ ˈmjuːtʃuəl fʌnd /
/ ˈmjuːtʃuəl fʌnd /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • [会计] 共有基金
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  • 1


    ... (ETFs) 的统称,它是一种跟踪股票指数.可以在市场上自由交易的证券.大家可以把指数股理解为一种特殊形式的共同基金(Mutual Fund):发行机构把不同的股 ..

  • 2


    城市化进程中的农村医疗保障问题研究——来自西芹村的调查 关键词:农村;医疗保障;城市化;“互助基金” [gap=610]Key words: rural; medical security; urbanization; mutual fund

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    张─鸣指互惠基金(Mutual fund)是证券行主要客户,他们旳经营环境亦愈见困难,ETF行政管理成本极低,互惠基金管理成本较高,但ETF常常能取得与互惠基金几乎旳回...

  • 4


    ... Entry Price 入市价 Mutual Fund 公共基金/互惠基金 Convertible Bond 可转换(公司)债券 (一种在一定条件下可以转换为发行人公司股票的公司债券) ...

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  • 1
    The ideal thing would be, that the mutual fund does these calculations and it puts it all together for you.
  • 2
    Now, I haven't defined mutual fund yet.
  • 3
    You see mutual fund advertisements everywhere.
  • 百科
  • Mutual Fund

    A mutual fund is a type of professionally managed Investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase securities. While there is no legal definition of the term mutual fund, it is most commonly applied only to those collective investment vehicles that are regulated and sold to the general public. They are sometimes referred to as "investment companies" or "registered investment companies". Hedge funds are not considered a type of mutual fund, primarily because they are not sold publicly.In the United States, mutual funds must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, are usually overseen by a board of directors or board of trustees and managed by a registered investment adviser. Mutual funds, like other registered investment companies, are also subject to an extensive and detailed regulatory regime set forth in the Investment Company Act of 1940. Mutual funds are not taxed on their income and profits if they comply with certain requirements under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.Mutual funds have both advantages and disadvantages compared to direct investing in individual securities. They have a long history in the United States. Today they play an important role in household finances, most notably in retirement planning.There are 3 types of U.S. mutual funds: open-end, unit investment trust, and closed-end. The most common type, the open-end fund, must be willing to buy back shares from investors every business day. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are open-end funds or unit investment trusts that trade on an exchange. Open-end funds are most common, but exchange-traded funds have been gaining in popularity.Mutual funds are generally classified by their principal investments. The four main categories of funds are money market funds, bond or fixed income funds, stock or equity funds and hybrid funds. Funds may also be categorized as index or actively managed.Investors in a mutual fund pay the fund’s expenses, which reduce the fund's returns and performance. There is controversy about the level of these expenses. A single mutual fund may give investors a choice of different combinations of expenses (which may include sales commissions or loads) by offering several different types of share classes.
