[天] 天底
如果病人的WBC正常的话,我一般的起始剂量为0.75g/M2,然后根据病人的反应以及 最低点(Nadir)和下一次用药前的WBC计数来调整下一次CTX的剂量,这样用法是很安全的.
两名男主人翁祖尔加(Zurga)和 纳迪尔 ( Nadir )在一个昏暗的寺庙里,同时爱上一个美貌的婆罗门女祭司蕾拉(Leila),但女祭司选择了 纳迪尔 ,祖尔加妒火中烧,想借机处死两人.
... nadir天底 最低点 nadir天底最低点最低温度 NagasakiMarineObservatory长崎海洋气象台 ...
纳迪尔·贝勒哈吉 ; 贝尔哈吉 ; 贝勒哈吉 ; 比赫积
测 地底点
像底点 ; 天平点 ; 象底点
The nadir (from Arabic: نظير / ALA-LC: naẓīr, meaning "opposite") is the direction pointing directly below a particular location; that is, it is one of two vertical directions at a specified location, orthogonal to a horizontal flat surface there. Since the concept of being below is itself somewhat vague, scientists define the nadir in more rigorous terms. Specifically, in astronomy, geophysics and related sciences (e.g., meteorology), the nadir at a given point is the local vertical direction pointing in the direction of the force of gravity at that location. The direction opposite of the nadir is the zenith.Nadir also refers to the downward-facing viewing geometry of an orbiting satellite, such as is employed during remote sensing of the atmosphere, as well as when an astronaut faces the Earth while performing a spacewalk.The word is also used figuratively to mean the lowest point of a person's spirits, or the quality of an activity or profession.The term nadir can also be used to represent the lowest point reached by a celestial body during its apparent orbit around a given point of observation. This can be used to describe the location of the Sun, but it is only technically accurate for one latitude at a time and only possible at the low latitudes. The sun is said to be at the nadir at a location when it is at the zenith at the location's antipode.In oncology, the term nadir is used to represent the lowest level of a blood cell count while a patient is undergoing chemotherapy. A diagnosis of neutropenic nadir after chemotherapy typically lasts 7–10 days.