SSN571 鹦鹉螺号(Nautilus)是世界上第一艘核动力潜艇,也是美国海军的第一艘核动力舰艇,其作战对象主要是水面舰艇,鹦鹉螺号的名字来源于凡尔纳经典科幻小...
... 鹦鹉螺号试验 Nautilus experiment 鹦鹉螺号潜艇 Nautilus 鹦鹉螺号核动力潜艇 USS Nautilus ; SSN ...
... Nautilus(鹦鹉螺)是现代音箱工业设计的经典,也是B&W音箱的精神领袖,然而,它那比BMW还贵的市场价格让许多发烧友望而却步。
诺德士 (Nautilus):心脏锻炼机和重量训练器械
The nautilus (from the Latin form of the original Greek ναυτίλος, 'sailor') is a pelagic marine mollusc of the cephalopod family nautilidae, the sole extant family of the superfamily nautilaceae and of its smaller but near equal suborder, nautilina. It comprises six living species in two genera, the type of which is the genus Nautilus. Though it more specifically refers to species Nautilus pompilius, the name chambered nautilus is also used for any species of the nautilidae.Nautilidae, both extant and extinct, are characterized by involute or slightly evolute shells that are generally smooth, with compressed or depressed whorl sections, straight to sinuous sutures, and a tubular, generally central siphuncle. Having survived relatively unchanged for millions of years, nautiluses represent the only living members of the subclass nautiloidea, and are often considered "living fossils."The name "nautilus" originally referred to the pelagic octopuses of the genus Argonauta, otherwise known as paper nautiluses, as the ancients believed these animals used their two expanded arms as sails.[citation needed]